Our leadership team is made up of our pastors, staff, elders, and deacons. Click on a card and/or see below to get to know the people who show their love of God by serving and loving Zion Church.
Our Elders
Our Ruling Elders are pictured below:
Wayne Howlett (Emeritus), Jim Locklear (Emeritus), Dennis Mann, Lee Grossman, Gary Young (on sabbatical in 2024), Howard Huffman, Jon Jonson, and John Anderson
You can contact them at session@zionpca.com.
“Presbyterian” comes from the Greek word for “Elders” and refers to our understanding that the Biblical model for church government is based on oversight by a board of Elders, traditionally called the Session. The Bible gives three general responsibilities to the elders of a church: Teaching, Ruling, and Shepherding.
Our Teaching Elders (pastors) are the ordained clergy who are examined by the Platte Valley Presbytery (the Teaching and Ruling Elders in our district). Our Ruling Elders are laymen, elected by the congregation and ordained to the office after being examined by the Zion Session and found to meet the requirements of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
Our Deacons
Our Deacons are pictured below:
Row 1: John Parish, Lee Dreyer, Scott Weldon, Jim Gage
Row 2: Scott Nelson, Jeff Keele, Dwight Bender, Pete Tompkins
Not pictured: Monte Polivka
You can contact them at deacons@zionpca.com.
“Deacon” is the Greek word used in the Bible for “Servant.” The Deacons manage the physical and financial possessions of the church, and implement ministries of mercy. The Zion Deacons are organized in nine ministry areas, with lead Deacons in each area:
- Community Needs
- Congregational Care
- Finance
- Worship Support
- Buildings
- Grounds
- Personal Property
- Safety & Security
- Covenant Families