Meet our staff
Say hello to the staff team at Zion Church. Got questions for the staff at Zion? Contact us by clicking here.
Kyle Lindgren - Youth Director
Kyle joined the Zion staff full time in the summer of 2019. Kyle is married to Chelsea, and they have two sons and two daughters. He is working on his MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary. His experience in prison ministry has taught him to like going to jail, drinking coffee, and answering questions not yet asked.

Nicole Houfek - Children's Ministry Director
Nicole is married to David and they have five beautiful daughters. She joined the Zion staff in July 2024, but has been involved in Zion's children's ministry through VBS since 2021. Nicole worked for RUF at the University of Minnesota before her oldest was born and she uses that training to help children at Zion to grow in their love and knowledge of God. She loves reading aloud with her girls, working on creative projects, and making tasty meals.

Kelsey Nyenhuis - Nursery Director
Kelsey is married to Adam and they have one son, who always keeps them on their toes. She and her family have been attending Zion since fall of 2021. Kelsey enjoys working out, playing PS4, exploring locally, traveling, and spending time with her family.

Taryne Matzen - Church Administrator
Taryne lives in southwest Lincoln with her husband George, his mom Chrissy, children Foster and Loghen, their chickens, and a cat who thinks he's in charge. She enjoys the outdoors and family board game nights. Though she has lived globally, she thinks Nebraska has the best night skies. Taryne has a great mind for mathematics and sees patterns all around her, which she applies to the creation of beautiful works of art.

Joseph Ghormley - Tech Specialist
Joseph has attended Zion since childhood and applies his musical background to running sound during worship. He has three sons with his wife Teresa.